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2024.01.23 Pottinga - Coaching the Executive Brain Graphic.jpg2024.01.23

Coaching the Executive Brain

In this lively, fun, stimulating, and interactive webinar, Neurotransformational Coach Ursula Pottinga will share what might be needed that’s different when coaching Executives:

Participants will learn:

• The research on the "Extended Mind” and two approaches to support the overwhelmed brain.
• Tips and coaching approaches on how to support clients to extend the mind, which means to courageously find relationships that can help with clarity, innovation, and staying away from confirmation bias.
• The second coaching approach is to help clients offload all that’s cruising around in their brains on paper and use tools such as mind maps, vision boards, and visual tools to find solutions to problems.
• A simple and powerful new coaching tool using images to help Executives self-reflect and gain insights and the science of why this is important.

2023.07.25 Winter - Braaaains! 2023.07.25

Braaaains!: Neurodiversity and Coaching

Neurodiversity is a hot topic these days and with good reason. More people than ever are openly identifying themselves as autistic, as ADHDers, as dyslexic, or as other neurotypes. Even more people are not yet aware of their neurodivergence, though their challenges fit with descriptions of being neurodivergent.
Coaching fits beautifully with the neurodiversity movement as we assume that our clients are creative, resourceful, and whole, not broken or needing to be fixed in some way. But often coaches are hesitant to work with neurodivergent clients. Come to this presentation to learn about neurodiversity, the experience of being neurodivergent, and how you can partner with your neurodivergent clients to move them forward.

Learning Objectives:
•       Define neurodiversity and different neurotypes
       Discover each client’s individual experience of being neurodivergent
      Synthesize coaching principles with the unique needs of neurodivergent clients



Strategic Silence: The Key to Holding Space

Newer coaches tell me they feel like a fraud because they don’t know how they add value when they’re just listening. More experienced coaches tell me that when they mastered feeling comfortable in the silence they felt like a real coach. That is the paradox of silence. It’s in the silence that you give great value by providing the client with time to think. nced coaches!
Three learning objectives:
1. Coaches will better understand how listening is helping the client by learning some research on silence.
2. Coaches will learn two techniques that can be used to help your client go deeper.
3. Coaches will practice the techniques to become more comfortable with strategic silence.



A New Field of Coaching: Organizational Culture Coaching

Organizational culture coaching is an integral approach to working with an organizational client to develop and improve their workplace culture. With coaching being a key component of culture transformation, participants will learn about a systematic approach to coaching that explores the context in terms of the layers of the system.
Learning Objectives:
    1.    Understand what organizational culture coaching is and why it’s important
    2.    Understand Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and how it’s relevant today
    3.    Identify how strategy, culture and influence are necessary to create a strong coaching framework


STRAIGHT TALK... What it REALLY takes to succeed as a Coach!

Do you believe you have to work hard … put in long hours … and pay your dues in order to be successful as a coach? That’s definitely one formula for success. But it’ll probably fail you as often as it delivers the goods, because some important must-haves are missing from the equation. What if someone could show you, step by step, exactly how to work more strategically and promote yourself in the smartest possible way … a way that’s easier and virtually foolproof?

In this very personal, fast-paced, and fun presentation, you’ll discover the essential steps in Denise’s practice-building system that thousands of coaches and business owners have used to attract clients and build a solid book of business.



Coaching Fishbowl!

Dawn Newman, PhD, PCC – A New Dawn Coaching
Linden Crawford, M.S., CPCC, PCC – Life and Leadership Coach
Tom Krapu, PhD, PCC – Executive Coach

3 Different Coaches - 3 Different Clients - 3 Live “In-Person” Laser Coaching Conversations

It is no secret that most of us in the coaching profession use borrowed ideas daily. These often come from conversations with others in the profession, classes, and training, experiencing something firsthand as the client, or (that’s right), listening in on some live coaching!!!

Demerest 2022_09_272022.09.27

Valuegenic Self-Leadership: Be the Game-Changing Coach You Aspire to Be

with Peter Demarest, President of Axiogenics, LLC., and co-developer of the VQ Profile® Assessment and the Self-Leadership Institute.

 As coaches, we are taught effective ways to set goals with our clients; yet are your clients meeting their goals with enthusiasm, ease, Self-Leadership has been touted as one of the most important skills people need for success in today’s world. As a coach, you have the opportunity to BE a game-changer in your life and work by putting the principles and practices of VALUEGENIC self-leadership to work IN your life and work. In this game-changing session, you’ll learn how.
