As coaches, we’re keen to leverage the idea that a new year offers a chance to reset while sidestepping the largely ineffective practice of making a resolution.

The word cloud pictured here came from the words six of us chose as we gathered at ICF St. Louis’s first Coaches’ Café of the year. These are our individual intentions for 2023, our touchstones that will help inform our choices and directions this year.
Have you chosen a word for the year? How will you recall it when we’ve turned the page on January?
If a word of the year isn’t your thing, what about choosing a goal?
What makes a good goal, one you’ll commit to even when the going gets difficult?
The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Driven, and Time-Bound) acronym is commonplace in organizations and coaching conversations but is it inspiring?
Joni Alsop, one of our members, has repurposed the acronym one that feels more heart centered, exciting, and fresh. Her version—Specific, Meaningful, Agreed to, Rewarding, and Transformative.
What’s the reality you want to create for yourself in 2023? What will you start doing and stop doing to create that reality?
For instance, do you tend to struggle with focus? What’s one action you could take (maybe it involves creating some distance from your smart phone?) to reclaim your attention?
How do the actions you’re committing to align with your larger purpose or your values?
These are the kinds of questions a coach will pose to help you deepen your relationship with yourself and to support you in attaining the outcomes you desire.
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