Join us on Tuesday, January 26, 2021
A Different Way of Listening with Ellen Moran, Ph.D, PCC
- Understand your clients' motivation in specific situations
- Develop questions that spot missing motivational patterns
- Help facilitate clients’ ability to reach their goals
Most people don’t know that every person behaves and makes decisions based on below-conscious, situational Motivation Triggers™. Very often when clients come to us, it’s because their current motivation triggers aren’t helping them get what they want and need in some aspect of their lives. These mismatches appear in communication breakdowns, career dissatisfaction, conflict, staying stuck in recurring dysfunctional patterns, etc.
The LAB Profile® method can help coaches decode motivation triggers from the patterns of language clients use in describing their situation. This presentation will be an introduction to the theory, principles and practical application of the LAB Profile in coaching. Participants will have an opportunity to engage each other in asking and responding to specific questions that elicit some important triggers. They will practice decoding their conversation and discuss how they can apply this knowledge to their own practice.
This presentation has been approved by ICF Global for 1.5 Core Competencies
Meet Ellen Moran
Ellen is a business psychologist and Master Trainer/Coach for the LAB Profile. In her executive coaching practice she also employs the principles and methods of Conversational Intelligence. In her assessment practice she utilizes an array of assessments relevant to strategic recruitment, selection, development, coaching and productivity management of sales teams.
She is a certified facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® method and tools as well as a Professional Innovation Advisor for the Basadur Applied Creativity process. She also serves as faculty for Mercer Delta’s Executive Learning Center. Her professional affiliations include the American Psychological Association, the Society for Consulting Psychology, the International Coach Federation and the Neuroleadership Institute. She also serves on the board of the Institute for Work Attitude and Motivation.